
Conducting Performance Reviews (Online)



Full course description

Performance reviews can have a huge impact on your employee’s future. In this short course, learn how to prepare for and conduct fair, productive, and impactful performance reviews. Also, explore performance improvement plans and see how they differ from an employee review. You’ll grasp how to make performance reviews more useful and motivating and less stressful for both you and your employees.

Course Objectives:

  • Identify the manager's role in conducting performance reviews
  • Prepare for a productive conversation, write and deliver the review

Note that GSU employees:

  • Use Campus ID/password to access course in the Stacks/Canvas learning system
  • Are responsible for completing all course requirements of each learning Module
  • Can register for courses as enrollment will remain open with no closing date
  • Will receive completion certificates for course completion
  • Are valued by TMO for your commitment to maintain and learn new knowledge and skills!

Sign up for this course today!
