
Foundations of Customer Service (Online)



Full course description

The success of Georgia State University depends, in part, on how we treat each other, internal and external customers, and students and their parents. Learn how to make each customer experience a positive and memorable one.

Course Objectives:

  • Explore how you can use customer surveys to build rapport.
  • Name three ways you can use active listening to serve your customers more effectively.
  • Identify the different types of needs that must be addressed in order to solve problems.
  • Explain the benefits of taking ownership of a problem.
  • Define “preemptive acknowledgment” and recognize its impact on customer service.
  • List three types of attitude anchors and explain their differences.

Note that GSU employees:

  • Use Campus ID/password to access course in the Stacks/Canvas learning system
  • Are responsible for completing all course requirements of each learning Module
  • Can register for courses as enrollment will remain open with no closing date
  • Are encouraged to share experiences with other learners in Discussions
  • Will receive completion certificates for course completion
  • Are valued by TMO for your commitment to maintain and learn new knowledge and skills!

Sign up for this course today!
